Here are links to some of our favorite web sites...
Eastern Telephone and Telecommunications Integrated Technology Solutions. ET&T is an independent
consulting distributor of Voice and Data Customer Premise Equipment for business, government and education. BlueStone Communications Bluestone's technical capabilities include Horizontal Station Cabling, Copper Backbone Cabling, Fiber Optic
Backbone Cabling, Data Center Cabling, Paging System Design, Installation and Service, Audio Visual System Cabling, Riser
Closet Documentation and Clean-up.
TelQuest International Save 70% and more. Choose from top manufacturers of telecomm systems. One Source, Many Solutions. Resale Systems LLC Resale Systems, LLC. 1041 W. Bridge St. #100. Phoenixville PA 19460. phone: 1-800-77RESALE. fax: (610)
933-6864. email:
Affiliations and Organizations
IBEW Local Union 375 You are now WIRED IN! Welcome to the website of IBEW Local 375, dedicated to serving its members
and progressive contractors working in the Lehigh Valley and surrounding regions in Eastern Pennsylvania. WestSideHammerELECTRIC Leading THE LEHIGH VALLEY FOR 3 GENERATIONS with Integrity and Inovation. One of the Lehigh Valleys
Largest and Most Trusted Electrical Contracting Firms. Family OWNED AND OPERATED SINCE 1935. COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE. ALBARELL ELECTRIC INC For Single Source Electrical Solutions. Industrial Sales - Repair Service Centers. Diefenderfer Electrical Contractors "From concept to design to installation, Since 1920" ACE ELECTRIC We offer highly skilled electricians, telecommunication workers and are available on a nationwide basis. Our projects
are bid and built to specs. We have 24/7 coverage for our customers emergency needs. Our reputation is one of quality workmanship,
reliability and customer service.
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