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John P McCormick

Photographer, Working Telecommunications Consultant (more about John)

Photographer John McCormick began to walk holding a camera. Has shot over 10,000 photos using film, had taken a hiatus because of family and cost of film. He has returned to photography with a new fire lit by Nikon and the digital format.

John independently is available for consulting teledata, headend, server racking and structured systems as well as the commercial applications through the IBEW Local Union 375

You can contact John directly at John@McCormickOrganization.com




Cheryl A Durback
Photographer and Telecommunications Specialist

Cheryl Durback is a Photographer in her own right with a magnificent eye for detail. She finds more in a close-up of a flower, a seashell or a raindrop that most cannot enjoy until you see her work. She too has found a new love for digital from film.
 When you see her there will most likely be a Nikon in hand.

Cheryl has a natural aptitude again for detail in the communications field with a usual 1oo% termination record. Her niche is fiber.

You can contact Cheryl directly at Cheryl@McCormickOrganization.com